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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Swing Set

If you can't get em to sit still for a portrait, have them do something that makes them happy and you're sure to get them at their best!
I love photographing this little curly haired towhead and hope he never cuts his hair!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Posie page

We couldn't resist when Kaspar left the cape at our house. (Sorry Lila) so we tried it on both the dogs. (and yes J, that's the dog on the kitchen table).

Zula and Posie are getting along well, they both sleep at my feet when I work.

Matilda made this cool illustration of her as well....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I've always had short hair......

I've been tagged by the SUPER talented photographer Sarah Quiara of RoxyandKai and have to come up with 8 interesting facts you don't know about me.....

So here goes:

1. I've always had short hair. (except in high school when I had wings and looked like Farrah Fawcett!)

2. I lived in NYC for 14 years (both our girls were born there-my husband had to give a cab $20 to wait downstairs while I was in labor).

3. I worked for the fashion photographer Bill King (I met Polly Mellen once).

4. I spent my honeymoon on the back of a motorcycle in Europe.

5. I have the same birth date as Jerry Lewis. (March 16-Pisces)

6. We have a pug and a cattle dog. ( our 7 year old talked me into getting a pug after reading Unloveable by Dan Yaccarino- we had to work on my husband).

7. I Love Ween! (They rocked at Stubb's the other night!)

8. I'm a yellow belt in Kuk Sool Won. ( Not good, I need to go more often).

There I did it, not so bad I guess. Thanks for the challenge Sarah !

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Audrey & Denver

This cute couple was smart and had their ceremony and receptions indoors. It's usually sweltering in July but this year it's been raining all summer.

Either way it was a beautiful day, nice and comforably cool indoors!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Farm family

I photographed the Tecolote Farm family this summer. Tecolote is an organic farm outside of East Austin. They've taken this summer off, but usually have a booth at both of Austin's Farmers Markets at Republic Square downtown and at the Toney Berger Center. They also have a weekly vegetable basket delivery service if you're lucky enough to be on the list!