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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy 11 years!

It's hard to believe it's been 11 years since we first celebrated your life! You are so amazing, we can't wait to watch and and share all the changes to come.
Thanks especially for letting your Mum experiment and stick her camera in your face constantly! And reminding me to "BE HERE NOW"!


  1. Happy Birthday Thea!
    Nothing I can say would express how much you mean to me and how much I love you.

    Your Dad

  2. Happy Birthday Thea! I hope to see you sometime in the near future! You are rockin'! Love, Andrea Hawkins.

  3. Happy Birthday, Thea. You and Olivia are both 11, hard to believe, and a little scarry! I hope you had a great day. I remember the first time I saw your picture I thought you looked like a tiny doll, perfect tiny nose(thank your mom for that), beautiful blue eyes(thank your Dad for those),and a tiny determined chin,the perfect O'Brien/Robinson combination. The camera lens,especially your Mom's,loves you. Work it Girrrl! The Willke's love you!
