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Monday, October 20, 2008

Fischer Texas

the unofficial mayor of Fischer- you'll find him outside guarding the bowling club!

This cute couple met at the John Knox summer camp between Wimberly and Fischer Texas. They were working as counselors in the cafeteria and accidently got locked in one day, the rumour was that they went in there to make out- but this time they really did - but outside the cafeteria.
If you've never been to Fischer- take a trip out on a Saturday afternoon and go bowling, the dance hall was built at the turn of the century and there's a 9 pin bowling club next door. (Lauren's Mom worked there as a girl setting up pins!)
Save the Date for their June wedding at the Winfield Inn!
See their SLIDESHOW here!
Fischer Texas shot through the viewfinder with my new Anscoflex II- a vintage camera from the 60's.


  1. Really enjoyed the Anscoflex pics! I just got a Holga that I am having fun with. Did you shoot those on 120 film ?

  2. I love these pictures! Maybe next time, I will have to go check out some of these cool towns! Miss you guys! Love, Andrea.

  3. Thanks for the comment dj- no film you shoot digital slr through the viewfinder of the old camera.

  4. Oh, that is interesting. Love to see how you do that.
