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Friday, November 14, 2008

Elegant Costume Wedding

Curt & Amy had the most awesome wedding at Green Pastures on Halloween! The bride's mother made her dress and everyone else dressed up in costumes!
We thought it'd be fun to have a "photo booth" as a way to document all the cool costumes- a BIG Thanks to Jeff for shooting all the great shots!
They also had the big band Nash Hernandez Orchestra for dancing, incredible food and trick or treating for all the kids ( they had candy jars on all the tables and all the kids walking around to "trick or treat").
To top it off they left in a horse drawn carriage!
Congratulations Amy & Curt!
See their SLIDESHOW here!

1 comment:

  1. That costume wedding looks like it was a blast! Everyone looks so happy, I love it! Great work as usual! Love, Andrea Hawkins.
