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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy 71st Birthday Mom!

With her piano and sister Marie

In swimming in Lake Ponchatrain with her Father and Aunt Augusta

With long hair and her brothers and sister in Gardenia California

With her beloved trumpet!

and bike

Today is Geraldine Joyce Shipley O'Brien's 71st birthday! She was named after her father Gerald who I have to thank for my love of photography.
(we have tons of old 4x5 negatives from his old Graflex camera).
She was almost born in Bluefields Nicaragua while he worked for United Fruit Company but they came back to New Orleans so she would be born in the States.
Here are some of my favorite pics of her.
Happy Birthday Mom! xoxo-Katie


  1. Just cruisin' around and came across these awesome vintage photos of your mom. They're great. I collect old photos (my fam and others) and really enjoyed looking at these. I'll let you know when I get around to posting some of mine.

  2. Found you via your unique view. What a beautiful tribute to your mom.
