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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Felicia & Ariel's CMPBS wedding!














Another one of our fun summer wedding took place at the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems!  The groom's parents Pliny Fisk & Gail Vittori created it in 1975 as  a non-profit education, & research center for Green building  and sustainablity . Ariel grew up on here the running the fields with his brothers and sisters and when it came time to pick a location for his wedding it was his bride  Felicia who suggested it as the best place for their celebration. Both of their sisters performed the ceremony then the grounds turned magical in the evening light with dinner by The Peached Tortillas food truck and dancing to their friends Cuban band Son y No Son.  The perfect end to an evening ended with Ariel's favorite- a volleyball game with friends.

Cheers to Felicia & Ariel!

Venue: CMPBS
Officiant: Carson Fisk-Vittori and Jackie Mercer
Dress: Vintage from Ebay
Shoes: Miss Allbright
Suit: J Crew
Rings: Bride’s: Jenny Kim on Etsy; Groom’s: Naturalezanica on Etsy
Cake/Cupcake Bakery: Mother of the groom
Bar: Austin Bartending Company
Custom Cocktails : Micheladas & Mexican Martinis

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