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New Products

Thursday, September 25, 2008

August provided me with a little time to catch up on some new albums and products! All are available in in your gallery under products, but if you come to the studio you can see how cool they are in person.

The custom Finao boxes are designed with Design Aglow templates and are customized with your favorite photo on the front. I also really love the 5 x 5 orange leather Elements mini flushmount album - perfect for an engagement session.

The Artefact albums come in paper or hardcover in a linen bag (plus a box with the larger books). They also offer beautiful square metallic printed cards!

For Larger Prints -Cool canvas prints from Canvas Press and floating prints from Fotoflot which magnetically hang from the wall! No matting or framing needed!

To counter all the high tech stuff I'm offering hand printed albums on Epson Velvet fine Art Paper and hand bound by Brooklyn Bookbinders, they come with glassine pages and a slipcover case to protect your images. There's even a cute little accordion album for your purse or desk!

Also available a handprinted custom designed Linen Kolo album with a Linen Kolo Box (nice for storing your wedding certificate, invitation, program & mementos!

And of course the Hardcover Asuka Books with engraved slipcase and Italian Leather Flushmount KISS Albums!

All products are Archival for future generations!
